Roadmap overview

Future features

  • Dark/Night mode - The ability to switch the app from day mode to night mode so it bothers my eyes less at night.
  • Multilingual - Add more supported languages in the app.
  • Mass upload of decks - Import an excel sheet of decks to add them into your collection in mass.
  • Journal analytics - Seeing general information in a certain timeframe (like which decks are you using most, what cards are coming up the most,...)
  • Add more spreads - I'll add additional spread into the learning section called "Place spreads". Voice record in journal entry - In the journal entry section, I will add an option to create a voice recording of your interpretation.

Feature voting

Help me prioritize what should be done first. Fill out the bottom form or click this link to vote on features. You do need to log in to vote. The reason why login is required is because this way you will get a copy of your answers via email. This copy also has a link to re-edit your answers if your priorities change or if I add new features to vote on. 

Feature suggestions

Help me understand what else you would like to see in the app. Fill out the bottom form or click this link to suggest new features. I'll be reviewing the suggestions on a regular basis and add the ones that are possible to implement to the feature voting section.

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